What does this Urbanization denote - covering the open soil with resisting and non-biodegradable material in the form of buildings, roads, concrete and cement drains. For us the soil is unclean and we want to cover it - we fear nature and `mud' we consider it but dirt.
Nature is not free in our townships and cities, as we constantly try to control it, resulting in the biggest misconceived man-made disaster. The more we fight nature - the worse the condition becomes. In reality we are destroying the basic elements responsible for live like air, water etc.
Herein let us glimpse into the water problem.
Effects of Development
- Loss of open soil
- Creation of long lasting building and roads
- Covering of water bodies for residential and Industrial usage
- Removal of green cover and Death of old trees
- Drainage system not allowing water to seep into the soil
- Water pollution
- Loss of Open Soil - In today's world development is measured in terms of artificial monetary gains from exploitation/erosion of the natural resources with industrialisation [quickest method of doing so] - and cleanliness means covering the earth with resisting and non-biodegradable material thus losing touch with the top soil.
- Creation of long lasting building and roads - In this process of development through industrialisation we end up creating concrete jungles [concentrated industries, townships and cities], ruining the open top soil, and covering it with non-porous material that chokes the earth.
- Covering of water bodies for Residential and Industrial usage - As these urban jungles grow influx of human population into these artificially created areas ever increases which in turn creates pressure on the land available as density of population rises. The end result is the concentrated usage of available land and reclamation of land for the purpose of this development. Trees are cut, buildings made and water bodies covered for this urban jungle.
- Removal of green cover and Death of old trees - With the removal of the green cover and its replacement with the man-made concrete jungle nature's lungs are being choked and as the concrete jungle increases the few lucky trees that were not cut are parched as flow of water to its roots are restricted.
- Drainage system not allowing water to seep into the soil - In these concrete jungles water flowing around in nearly all paths is surrounded by drainage systems which do not permit this water to seep into the soil below, flushing this water away from that area. This effects the underground water lever as it can not be recharged
- Water pollution - This is caused by the increase of products which are toxic, not bio-degradable, fertilizers and pesticides entering the lakes, streams, rivers, oceans, and other water bodies - getting dissolved or lying suspended in water or getting deposited on the bed. This effects the aquatic ecosystems and seeps down even to the groundwater deposits.
- Sources: The city sewage, industrial effluents and agricultural run-off into the rivers causes pollutants to enter groundwater, rivers, and other water bodies. Such water, finally ending up in our households, is often highly contaminated and carries disease-causing microbes.
- Effects: It is not only devastating to people but to all forms of life - plants, animals, fish, and birds. Polluted water is unsuitable for drinking, recreation, agriculture, and industry. It diminishes the quality of lakes and rivers -.contaminates water, destroying aquatic life, reducing its reproductive ability and is a hazard to human health. Nobody can escape the effects of water pollution - it basically destroys the very fundamentals of life in all forms.
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