Tuesday, May 5, 2009


The Lust Of Man - Munnan Misra
The lust of Man unquenchable be,
Accumulating wealth unceasingly,
Plundering Earth his home that be,
Robbing nature - ever uncaringly.
Its trophies - his obsessions be,
Looting earth materialistically,
Death and pollution resultants be,
Depriving life - with certainity.
Foolishly he comprehends not,
Full with greed - he stops not,
Yet the fulfillment - he has not,
As materialism - he checks NOT.
* * * * *


All acts in our current global society are carried out with one basic thought - materialistic gain. This may be for an individual or a nation. The thought for the sanctity of life has become rare. The harm thus brought about are immense in terms of life on our green planet.
It would be very determental to wholly ridicule materialism. The current materialistic flight is recumbent to introspection and subject to waves of religious emotions. It is torn between a passion of righteousness and the out-right desire to go full steam ahead in greed and lust. Every civilization has seen this in human history.
Materialism is the driving force - providing the initiative to work and work even harder - this is thus very useful. Theodore Roosevelt aptly stated `The objective of government is the welfare of the people. The material progress and prosperity of a nation are desirable chiefly so far as they lead to the moral and material welfare of all good citizens.' [The New Nationalism 1910]
The human society is based on the materialistic economic growth - on desires, wants and means; on production through technologies, capital, know-how, raw material, and man power; on transportation and on consumption. The development of any individual, society or nation is measured on these economic factors. However human moral development is not taken into consideration and development of the whole earth or other life-forms are of little importance in this race.
Materialism is a must but should be with checks and controls - just like any nuclear plant - totally bound. Materialism should be that controlled harnessed force to increase knowledge and productivity for the welfare not just of individual, society, civilization or humanity but for all life forms and the earth. It should be bound by the codes of morality and welfare of all progeny.
Materialism with greed is the biggest pitfall - as it never breeds morality. Without morality materialistic greed becomes disastrous. Materialism is a double-edged sword - with greed brings grief, inequality and downfall and with morality flows relief and real development. With materialism morality is the only yardstick for proper growth. Materialism causes inequalities, obscendty of the middle class and ferocity of the lower class.
Humanity should not be lost in base materialism but thrive in the sunshine of a controlled moral materialistic growth. Materialism should not be the objective but means and driving force for upliftment with morals and value of love and care its check.
Materialism without check of morality is an uncontrolled power, growing larger with time and consuming everything in geometrical proportions, encircling and threatening the very life on earth. Walking the middle path of materialism with morality is essential and the best code of conduct for humanity.

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