Monday, May 4, 2009

Humanity & Development

Man wants to be the Supreme - he wants to conquer nature and is unsatisfied living in harmony and peace with it. He believes everything around is for him to exploit or use as he wants. His desire is agrivated with his greed for accumulation of material wealth and results in the present form of industialisation. This has numerous backdrops and has given rise to dangerous forms of technologies which are resposible and result in the endangerment of life on earth. The air, water, land and even space are being harmed/polluted.
In the name of the present acceptable form of development and material greed has MAN the RIGHT to:

  1. Supress LIBERTY and lifestyle of other life forms?
  2. Curtail FREEDOM of other lifeforms?
  3. DESTROY other life forms?
  4. POLLUTE the earth and its elements?
  5. CREATE non-biodegradable products?
  6. EXPLOIT nature mercilessly for immediate gains?
  7. RUIN eco-balance and DEGRADE the Earth for progeny?
Man has no such right. When humanity talks of the rights of freedom, liberty, respect, life, lifestyle and no exploitation - this concept is incomplete if it is just in reference with the human race. This concept needs to be applied to all life forms on earth - including our home - the EARTH.
We talk of Human Rights - but has man the right to overlook the rights of other life forms?
Care for all life forms and of earth must not only be the priority of MAN but must be ever CHERISHED. The safety and future of all life depends on this as all life be interdependent and as per our current knowledge - the Earth is the only planet wherein humans can live.
The collective objective of development can not be so narrow that it takes into account only material gains at the cost of life itself. Development MUST keep in mind - EARTH & LIFE - its sustainment and stability. If this be missing and growth be for just body comfort, pleasure or leasure - it can not be development. If growth causes destruction it can not be development of either the earth, or of life forms on earth, or of Man.
Development must cater to the total safety, security and growth of all life forms and the Earth

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